Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Family screamfest

Last night we had a pretty weird night waking.
Izaak woke up with a shriek (an unusual occurrence, but has happened before) this startled me out of sleep and I yelled in surprise and fright, for whatever reason this set Alex off (too deeply asleep or something) and he jumped up screaming "whaa!?! whaa!?!" and stumblewalked across the top of the bed (and me) and was trying to grab Izaak, who had stood up in his crib and was screaming in response to his dad's yelling, so we were all screaming (me yelling "its okay! its okay! its okay!) and stumbling around bleary eyed
I think for Alex most of it was a sleepwalking experience because I don't think he really woke up until he was already standing next to the crib grabbing the baby, I was awake pretty quick and was trying to stop him from grabbing Izaak since it was clear he was not aware of what he was doing (just sorta roughly trying to grab him) - serious "brain unplug" as he called it.

I think Izaak's original shriek was either a bad dream or a sharp teething pain, and if we had been soft and soothing he would have only done a couple of shouts (a descending shriek, scream, yelp, whimper), as it was, it was a mutual ramping up between him and Dad... Izaak shriek, Alex screams "whaaaa?!!?!" and then me yelling "its okay!" over and over until Alex "woke up"... by then Izaak was quite ramped up and took a while (5 minutes or so) to settle down.

Very weird

We gave Izaak some Tylenol and brought him to bed with us... after our hearts calmed down Alex and I were able to laugh about it, but it was sorta outta control and frightening at the time!

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