Monday, January 28, 2008

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 1:21 PM - 3 days old

From: JacquƩ" Evans []
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 1:21 PM
To: Mitchum, Cathy
Subject: Re: How do you feel? How did baby sleep last night?

It wasn't what I'd call "good", but it was much much much better than Sunday night which was BAD.

The traitorous wretched little beetle is sleeping... well, "like a baby" right this minute... IN HIS BASSINET! Why the HELL wouldn't he do that 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 hours ago?????

Different parts are feeling better/worse... the whole re-constructive area is feeling much better, but my whole body feels like I majorly over worked everything... just general achy-ness (back, shoulders, ribs, legs, neck/throat, etc.). I'm alternating advil and tylenol and all that is doing pretty well... The tiredness? ack! We actually both were able to get small intermittent doses of sleep last night (part of the sooo much better night we had). He just doesn't want to sleep in the night time (I think his circadian rhythm is backwards), so in between nursing sessions we tag teamed it holding/comforting/rocking/consoling him while the other one slept

I am feeling better about the whole nursing/latching thing. He is getting better at latching on to both sides , though it is a bit disconcerting to have your child losing weight from the moment he comes out until your milk "comes in".

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