Sunday, January 27, 2008

First Tooth!

Baby boy is getting his first tooth! We didn't even think that he was "teething"!
Night before last he was just a restless wriggley worm who kept waking and kicking (mostly Mom) and fussing and then going back to sleep again... we didn't think much of it, just figured it was an aberration. But last night he was gnawing on my knuckle and I felt something sharp! Sure enough, on the lower left middle he's got those tiny bumpy teeth nubs poking through his gums. Guess that explains the fussy night, and last night was even worse... sometimes only 30 minutes before waking and fussing and trowing himself about (very comical dramatic body flop/head turn/ back of wrist on forehead ... the whole bit :D) We felt very bad for him :(
Surprisingly yesterday was pretty fuss-free (we'll see how today goes), I guess it bothers him more at night???
I'm going to surf around the internet today and see what wisdom I can glean for easing his discomfort... we have some baby Tylenol, maybe get some baby Ambesol (or however it's spelled)... and find out how long this whole thing will last!

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